Ready to create a great website or get some tech support?

Get in touch with Karen:

Schedule a 30 min video chat

If you are not quite ready to create a website or give your current website a refresh, please still get in touch so I can help you plan ahead.

If you can’t find something you need on the website, that you think I may be able to help with, please get in touch.

There are also plenty of resources on the site and on YouTube and you can also sign up to my newsletter and connect with me on LinkedIn.

Karen Black on LinkedInHubFizz on YouTube

I am mostly in West Norfolk, UK and work with people both locally, nationally and internationally. Most projects are conducted over video chat, phone and email.

My working hours are generally Monday to Friday between 10am and 5pm.

karen on phone get in touch

Sign up for ideas to grow your business and make it greener

Featuring website tips and strategies, latest projects and upcoming promotions and offers.
Outside of work, I like to share about life on the river aboard my narrowboat and my passion for veg growing.

I only send emails on occasions when I want to share something valuable or interesting or about a pressing update that may concern your website. It is unlikely to be more than once a month. However please feel free to unsubscribe when you feel the need. I hope you find them useful, interesting and of value.