tad then and now

On the left: Young Tad (2010) from the homepage video on the original Marketing for Hippies website. On the right: Older Tad (2021).

Younger Tad ran workshops that were good but they changed every time. He was still sorting out how he saw marketing. Still learning. He hadn’t found his groove and he could feel that. He was encouraged to grow his business quickly but he demured. He could feel that success was coming and he chose, bless him, the longer, slower road. He had the threads but couldn’t quite envision the tapestry that this new website is.

I wish I could go back in time to show him the new site.  He’d be so happy. “We become this? We do this?” he would shake his head. “This is amazing.”

When Jaime Almond sat me down, over the phone, and walked me through the actual building of that original site in 2010 I was so thrilled. My blog, my YouTubes and other materials finally had a home. I loved that website. That site gave me the courage and motivation to grow. Make no mistake: No Jaime? No Marketing for Hippies. It was the catalyst that kept me going.

But as I look at those photos: I’m wearing a different shirt today. My hair is longer (finally I look like a hippie). I’ve got a beard. The grey hairs are appearing. I’m clearer and I have well and properly found my groove. This new website captures the shift between these two photos. It is the ANIÁN shirt, carefully crafted to capture and house my meditation on and articulation of the complexities of this question: What is ethical marketing in uncertain times?

I can feel this site doing for me today what that site did for me then. Young Tad would love this site. I hope you will too.

I’m in love with it. I can’t believe my luck to have a second website I’m so proud of.

My new website was created by Karen Black from Norwich, England. I met her years ago when she hosted my workshop in her sweet, little town. Since then, she’s joined my Membership Program and has been an absolute joy to work with.

If you’re looking for a web designer, I couldn’t recommend her highly enough.


tad hargrave marketing for hippies
Tad HargraveFounder - Marketing For Hippies

Karen managed the development of our website: www.triplebottomlineaccounting.com. Our enquiries have increased by about 3 fold since the website was launched. In addition to the website she has also managed the publication of our blogs. Nothing is ever a problem and everything is done quickly and efficiently. I am very pleased to recommend.


Dr Peter EllingtonOwner - Triple Bottom Line Accounting

Karen designed our new website in 2020. She captured our brand and company values perfectly. We absolutely love our new website and have already had lots of great feedback about it from prospective clients in the first few months that it’s been live. Karen is easy to work with – she takes your ideas of how you imagine your website might look and turns them into reality, explaining things along the way. Karen is now hosting and maintaining our website and we’re proud to have chosen her green hosting option to reduce our company’s impact on global carbon emissions.

Laura DrewellDirector - Care Concern

As an ethically driven business owner I like to work with others like Karen that have similar values to me. I would highly recommend Karen for your website requirements. I didn’t have a clue where to start with my website but she guided me through the process giving me all the resources and advice I needed to come up with a theme, structure and content that suited my business perfectly.
Great ongoing support and any queries are answered quickly and she is very patient with my lack of understanding with some of the technical bits!


Simon HayesOwner - Eco Accountancy Services